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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Scarily good events at Pembrey Country Park/Digwyddiadau arswydus o dda ym...

Scarily good events at Pembrey Country Park Pembrey Country Park welcomes you to its dark and scary side on Halloween. Celebrate the spookiest day of the...

The Most (Leeds) and Least Generous (Hull) Cities on Halloween

Halloween is right round the corner and many children are hoping to fill their pockets with goodies when trick or treating around their neighbourhoods....

Can you see faces in the fire.

As you may all be aware there was a serious fire in Llanelli recently when the old Park Church was deliberately burned (near Murray...

Halloween scary desktop wallpaper

We've even created a scary desktop wallpaper for you to enjoy!     What to do? Go the following...

Scary outlines for you to colour in

Scary outlines for you to colour in That's right at Your Llanelli we've got together with our finest graphic designers and asked them to...

Free Your Llanelli Halloween Screen Saver

Countdown to Halloween begins today! At Yourllanelli.org.uk we love Halloween fun and games so we've provided some free Halloween goodies for you to enjoy....

Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun To help keep the kids occupied during this period, we've put together some downloadable fun activities! You...

Halfway Hotel: Llanelli's most haunted place?

by Jonathan Williams Llanellitown.com decided to do a feature on Halloween and we looked for people who had any interesting ghost stories.  We...

Toffee Apples

Toffee Apples Ingredients 6 sweet and crunchy apples 6 tbsp caster sugar 85ml water 600g demerara sugar 100g unsalted butter 2...

Spooky Pumpkin Pie

Spooky Pumpkin Pie Ingredients 1 pumpkin 2 eggs 225g (8 oz) light brown soft sugar 1 tablespoon plain flour 1/2 teaspoon salt...

Mysterious Man

This story was submitted by Clive Worth of Pontyates My daughter is a probation officer in Llanelli, she is...