THE secret world of the British male has been laid bare as men across the country admit hiding beauty products, debt and text messages from their other halves.

Men have owned up to keeping a secret stash of face masks and tanning products – and have even hidden nose and ear trimmers from their partners.

And blokes are just as tight-lipped when it comes to hiding emails or text messages, sneaking a crafty cigarette and being honest about their monthly outgoings.

More than double the number of men (31%) as women (13%) in Wales claim to have a secret personal grooming treasure trove.

Hair loss treatments and hair dye are among the top 10 grooming items men keep away from the prying eyes of their other halves.

And a third (35%) of men in Wales say they have been to get secret beauty treatments in their lunch hour compared to just a quarter (17%) of women.

Fifteen percent of men in Wales claimed they had been for secret lunchtime botox sessions, with other popular lunch hour treatments including facials and sunbeds.

Millennials aged 25-34 are the most secretive about their beauty regime, with 65% admitting to hiding grooming products compared to 33% of 18-24 year olds and 13% of 45-54 year olds.

Millennial men are the most (76%) likely to get a crafty beauty treatment on their lunch break, according to a survey for Wahl by Atomik Research.

Men in London are the most secretive about their grooming stash, with 64% claiming to have a private hoard, followed by those in the North-East (46%) and Wales (31%).

After the capital, the UK’s most secretive blokes when it comes to beauty products are in York (56%), Edinburgh (45%), Oxford and Belfast (both 44%).

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of men in Wales say they have hidden something from their partner, with the most popular being their PAST (25%).

Just over half (55%) of women in Wales say they hide items away from their partner, with clothes and shopping at the top of the list.

Simon Shaw, Wahl’s Global Artistic Director said:

“There is no shame in looking after your appearance – it does wonders for your self-esteem, so men should not feel the need to be so secretive about improving themselves.

“Looking good is all about projecting your confident inner self so men should be open and upfront about the fact that they take pride in their appearance.”

The most popular beauty product for men are hair styling products, which 38% of blokes in Wales surveyed say they used, followed by face wash and moisturiser (both 36%).

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