10 virtually indestructible houseplants to buy this summer

Photo by Thgusstavo Santana: https://www.pexels.com/photo/elegant-spathiphyllum-wallisii-flower-against-black-background-4378134/

For those of you who weren’t born with a natural green thumb, but also fear killing your favourite houseplants as we transition to summer, there’s hope for you all, as health and wellness experts Eden’s Gate (https://edensgate.co.uk/have discovered 10 virtually ‘indestructible’ houseplants to own.

Please see the full release and if you need anything else, please do let me know and I’d be happy to help. 

Tyler Woodward, health and wellness expert at Eden’s Gate comments:

“With plenty of species of plants that thrive on neglect, little sunlight and minimal watering, there’s no reason not to channel your enthusiasm for houseplants, all the while you’re outside, enjoying the changing of seasons; ridding yourself of the worry that you might kill them. 

We already know that plants can boost your mood and purify the air (especially as seasonal allergies are on the rise), but they also aesthetically complete your room. While we can’t definitively say houseplants are impossible to kill, there are certain varieties that are harder than others, making them the ideal urban addition to your home.”

10 virtually ‘indestructible’ houseplants to own this summer (please download image to view table)

You can access the table of data in this Google Sheet.


  • The most popular houseplant in the UK is a peace lily, and perhaps because it is prone to blooming in low light conditions for weeks on end. Likewise, it requires little watering, simply check in on the soil once a week and if dry then you can water it, but even if it’s slightly moist, allow it to dry first. 
  • Taking second place overall, you can ‘forget’ about a spider plant to an extent as long as it gets a reasonable amount of sunlight, well-drained soil and only watered when it feels dry; the perfect plant for someone fearful of killing their greenery. 
  • Money trees are not only known to be lucky, but they’re easy to care for and don’t ask for much attention. Considered the nation’s third favourite, money trees require little watering (once a week), and somewhere it can enjoy moderate sunlight too.

If you do use the research, please include a clickable link to https://edensgate.co.uk/ as credit. We work collaboratively and credit allows us to continue distributing campaigns like this.

If you do need anything else at all, please feel free to email me.

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