Celebrating the diversity of Wales through books for children and young people




Grandad’s camper van is hidden away in the garage. Now Gramps isn’t around any more, the adventures they shared travelling in it just wouldn’t be the same. As she listens to his wonderful stories, Grandad’s granddaughter has an idea to cheer him up…
Divya is scared to put on the bindi for the first time, but Amma is there to reassure her. Together, they look inside Amma’s special box to find the perfect bindi, and as Divya gazes in the mirror she discovers a new side of herself.
Matilda is a new girl at Pearl’s school, but there’s something really different and cool about her family – she has TWO dads! Pearl is sure that Matilda’s family must be very different to her own, but she soon starts to discover that they aren’t so different after all…
Polonius the pit pony escapes from the coal mine and joins a family of Travellers. When the chance arrives for him to do something to help the family, he rises to the challenge to save the day.
Yusuf’s older sister is getting married. He’s ready for the delicious food, the fun with his cousins and the many presents, but he’s NOT ready to take her place as the responsible one. His only option: cause some chaos and ruin the wedding.
Jim and his family have halted by Dundray and the education people have been round mouthing the law. In school the Traveller kids suffer at the hands of teachers and other pupils alike. The only friendly face is Kit who takes Jim under her wing and teaches him to read. With Kit and the reading, Jim seems to have found a way to exist in Dundray, but everyday prejudice and a shocking act of violence see his life uprooted once again.
Fifteen year olds Tasha and Josie are near neighbours. But when their families let them down, they find themselves unlikely allies in a battle for survival. Both girls turn to each other for help when they find themselves on the brink of being made homeless.

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