National Grid partnership with St John Ambulance Cymru powering future generation of lifesavers

SJAC National Grid

More than 1,200 children and young people in South Wales have learned basic first aid skills with St John Ambulance Cymru thanks to funding from National Grid Electricity Distribution.

The demonstration sessions, delivered by the first aid charity for Wales from September to December 2024, were enhanced by National Grid Electricity Distribution’s messaging on electrical safety and how to avoid electricity-related accidents.

St John Ambulance Cymru’s Community Education Programme aims to put first aiders in every community and train every child in Wales with lifesaving skills, just in case they should need to respond to an emergency.

The free activities offer schools, community and voluntary groups first aid sessions that are tailored to their needs. As well as potentially saving lives, this programme also provides people with pathways into health and social care careers.

James Cordell, St John Ambulance Cymru’s Partnership & Relationship Manager said: “We want every young person to have the skills and confidence to save a life, just in case an emergency should happen, and our free Community Education for schools are one way that we are working towards this goal.

“We can’t do this without our generous supporters, and we are very grateful to National Grid Electricity Distribution for partnering with us to deliver schools sessions in South Wales.

“We look forward to continuing conversations on extending this scheme with a further project to further our mutual objectives.”

SJAC National Grid

Nick South, Education and STEM Manager at National Grid Electricity Distribution also commented: “We are thrilled to offer our support to St John Ambulance Cymru.  Our safety messages are designed to help people avoid potential dangers around the electricity network and St John Ambulance Cymru take it the extra mile by teaching lifesaving skills that can be utilised in an emergency.

“This perfect partnership supports our ongoing commitment to educate children on electrical safety whilst helping to grow our relationship with local schools and the wider community.”

You can find out more about National Grid Electricity Distribution, the electricity distribution network operator for South Wales, South West and the Midlands at

To find out more about St John Ambulance Cymru’s Community Education Programme and see how your school or community group could benefit, please visit


Caption: 1,248 children and young people across south Wales have received St John Ambulance Cymru training sessions focused on basic first aid skills and electrical safety thanks to funding from National Grid.

Notes to Editors


St John Ambulance Cymru

  • St John Ambulance Cymru is the first aid charity for Wales
  • We teach people lifesaving skills including physical and mental health first aid, so they can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved
  • We provide emergency first aid and medical cover at events
  • We transport patients to and from hospital to support the Welsh Ambulance Service
  • We depend on charitable donations to enable us to help save and train others to save lives across Wales
  • We’re an independent charity and works separately to ‘St John Ambulance’, which operates in England
  • We work closely with NHS Wales, local health boards, social services, private hospitals, insurance companies and individuals, operating seven days a week, 365 days a year.


National Grid

  • National Grid operates the electricity transmission network in England and Wales and is the distribution network operator for the Midlands, South West England and South Wales.
  • The distribution network is responsible for delivering electricity to eight million customers and National Grid is committed to investing around £1 billion on its distribution network annually.
  • National Grid is not an electricity supply company and does not bill customers in the UK. Its responsibility is to distribute electricity to homes and businesses.
  • The distribution element makes up around 10 per cent of an average customer’s annual bill which is around £100 or 27p a day.
  • In a power cut, call 105 for free 24 hours a day.

I’w ryddhau ar unwaith                                                        Dydd Iau 16a January 2025

Partneriaeth rhwng y Grid Cenedlaethol a St John Ambulance Cymru yn pweru’r genhedlaeth nesaf o achubwyr bywyd

Mae mwy na 1,200 o blant a phobl ifanc yn Ne Cymru wedi dysgu sgiliau cymorth cyntaf sylfaenol gydag St John Ambulance Cymru diolch i gyllid gan Dosbarthiad Trydan y Grid Cenedlaethol.

Cyflwynwyd y sesiynau arddangos gan elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru o fis Medi i fis Rhagfyr 2024, gan gynnwys negeseuon Dosbarthiad Trydan y Grid Cenedlaethol ar ddiogelwch trydanol a sut i osgoi damweiniau sy’n gysylltiedig â thrydan.

Nod Rhaglen Addysg Gymunedol St John Ambulance Cymru yw rhoi swyddogion cymorth cyntaf ym mhob cymuned a hyfforddi pob plentyn yng Nghymru gyda sgiliau achub bywyd, rhag ofn y bydd angen iddynt ymateb i argyfwng.

Mae’r gweithgareddau am ddim yn cynnig sesiynau cymorth cyntaf sydd wedi’u teilwra i anghenion grwpiau ysgol, cymunedol a gwirfoddol. Yn ogystal ag achub bywydau o bosibl, mae’r rhaglen hon hefyd yn cynnig llwybrau i yrfaoedd iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.

Dywedodd James Cordell, Rheolwr Partneriaeth a Pherthynas St John Ambulance Cymru: “Rydym am i bob person ifanc feddu ar y sgiliau a’r hyder i achub bywyd, rhag ofn y bydd argyfwng yn digwydd, ac mae ein haddysg gymunedol am ddim i ysgolion yn un ffordd i ni yn gweithio tuag at y nod hwn.

“Ni allwn wneud hyn heb ein cefnogwyr hael, ac rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i Ddosbarthiad Trydan y Grid Cenedlaethol am weithio mewn partneriaeth â ni i gyflwyno sesiynau ysgolion yn Ne Cymru.

“Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at barhau â’r sgyrsiau ynghylch ymestyn y cynllun hwn gyda phrosiect pellach i hybu ein cydamcanion.”

Dywedodd Nick South, Rheolwr Addysg a STEM Dosbarthiad Trydan y Grid Cenedlaethol: “Rydym wrth ein bodd yn cynnig ein cefnogaeth i St John Ambulance Cymru. Mae ein negeseuon diogelwch wedi’u cynllunio i helpu pobl i osgoi peryglon posibl o amgylch y rhwydwaith trydan ac mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn mynd yr ail filltir trwy ddysgu sgiliau achub bywyd y gellir eu defnyddio mewn argyfwng.

“Mae’r bartneriaeth berffaith hon yn dangos ein hymrwymiad parhaus i addysgu plant am ddiogelwch trydanol wrth helpu i dyfu ein perthynas ag ysgolion lleol a’r gymuned ehangach.”

Gallwch gael gwybodaeth am Ddosbarthiad Trydan y Grid Cenedlaethol, gweithredwr rhwydwaith dosbarthu trydan De Cymru, De Orllewin a Chanolbarth Lloegr drwy fynd i

I ddarganfod mwy am Raglen Addysg Gymunedol St John Ambulance Cymru a gweld sut y gallai eich ysgol neu grŵp cymunedol elwa, ewch i

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