Learn lifesaving skills with St John Ambulance Cymru during Save a...
St John Ambulance Cymru's Save a Life September campaign is back, providing people with different ways to learn lifesaving first aid skills over the...
St John Ambulance Cymru receives £10,000 funding to boost community first...
Leading company in portable and eco-friendly energy solutions EcoFlow has supercharged its support for St John Ambulance Cymru through a partnership which will help...
St John Ambulance Cymru yn derbyn £10,000 i hybu hyfforddiant cymorth...
Mae EcoFlow, cwmni blaenllaw ym maes datrysiadau ynni cludadwy ac ecogyfeillgar, wedi cynyddu ei gefnogaeth i St John Ambulance Cymru drwy bartneriaeth a fydd...
Ymgyrch newydd St John Ambulance Cymru yn annog pobl Cymru i...
Mae St John Ambulance Cymru wedi lansio ymgyrch newydd i ddangos pwysigrwydd sgiliau cymorth cyntaf 'rhag ofn' i argyfwng ddigwydd.
Trwy'r ymgyrch, mae'r elusen yn...
St John Ambulance Cymru urges people of Wales to have first...
You can view the campaign video by visiting our Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/FvgePy-3NSU
St John Ambulance Cymru urges people of Wales to have first aid skills...
Gwirfoddolwyr yng Nghaerfyrddin yn cynnig help llaw i’r gymuned ehangach gyda...
Mae Adran Caerfyrddin St John Ambulance Cymru yn agor ei drysau dros yr wythnosau nesaf ar gyfer Chlwb Brecwast Gwyliau’r Haf. Dyma un yn...
Carmarthen volunteers offer helping hand to wider community with Summer Holiday...
St John Ambulance Cymru’s Carmarthen Division is opening up its doors over the next few weeks with a Summer Holiday Breakfast Club. This is...
Generous donation to support potentially lifesaving volunteer responder scheme in Powys
New funding provided by Knighton Hospital and Community League of Friends will help St John Ambulance Cymru volunteers in Powys to support people in...
Rhodd hael i gefnogi cynllun ymatebwyr gwirfoddol a allai achub bywydau...
Bydd cyllid newydd gan Gynghrair Cyfeillion Ysbyty a Chymuned Tref-y-Clawdd yn helpu gwirfoddolwyr St John Ambulance Cymru ym Mhowys i gefnogi pobl yn eu...
Adroddiad Effaith St John Ambulance Cymru yn amlygu cyfraniad yr elusen...
Mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn nodi Dydd Sant Ioan (Mehefin 24ain) drwy lansio ei Adroddiad Effaith diweddaraf, sy'n amlygu sut y gwnaeth elusen...
St John Ambulance Cymru Impact Report highlights contribution to communities in...
St John Ambulance Cymru is marking St John's Day (June 24th) by launching its latest Impact Report, which highlights how the first aid charity...
Elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru yn cydnabod arwyr gwirfoddoli
Fe wnaeth St John Ambulance Cymru wobrwyo'r gwirfoddolwyr sydd wedi mynd y tu hwnt i'r disgwyl i'r elusen yn ei seremoni Arwisgo flynyddol ar...
First aid charity for Wales recognises volunteer heroes
St John Ambulance Cymru rewarded the volunteers who have gone over and above for the charity at its annual Investiture ceremony on Saturday 15th June.
Canolbwynt gwirfoddolwyr yng Nghaerfyrddin yn ailagor yn dilyn prosiect adnewyddu llwyddiannus
Dathlodd Is-adran St John Ambulance Cymru yng Nghaerfyrddin ailagoriad swyddogol ei hadeilad yn y dref ar ddiwedd mis Ebrill, yn dilyn prosiect adnewyddu helaeth.
Carmarthen’s volunteer hub reopens after successful renovation project
St John Ambulance Cymru's Carmarthen Division celebrated the official reopening of its building in the town at the end of April, following an extensive...
Rhoddwyr organau yn cael eu hanrhydeddu gan St John Ambulance Cymru...
Cynhaliwyd Gwobrau Urdd St John y DU ar gyfer Rhoi Organau ar gyfer 2024 yn gynharach yr wythnos hon, i anrhydeddu'r unigolion sydd wedi...
Organ donors honoured by St John Ambulance Cymru and NHS Blood...
The 2024 Order of St John UK Awards for Organ Donation took place earlier this week, honouring individuals who have given the priceless gift of...
Raise Your Buckets in support of St John Ambulance Cymru this...
St John Ambulance Cymru is gearing up for its exciting Raise Your Buckets campaign, which will encourage people to fundraise and also help them...
Cyfle i ‘Godi Eich Bwcedi’ i gefnogi St John Ambulance Cymru...
Mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn paratoi ar gyfer ei ymgyrch gyffrous Codi Eich Bwcedi, a fydd yn annog pobl i godi arian a...
St John Ambulance Cymru appoints new Chief Executive Officer
St John Ambulance Cymru has announced the appointment of Richard Lee as its new Chief Executive Officer, following a rigorous recruitment process that garnered...
St John Ambulance Cymru yn penodi Prif Swyddog Gweithredol newydd
Mae St John Ambulance Cymru wedi cyhoeddi penodiad Richard Lee fel prif Swyddog Gweithredol newydd yr elusen, yn dilyn proses recriwtio drylwyr a ddenodd...
Prif Wirfoddolwr St John Ambulance Cymru yn derbyn cydnabyddiaeth gan y...
Yn ddiweddar, dyfarnwyd Tystysgrif Cymeradwyaeth i Brif Wirfoddolwr St John Ambulance Cymru gan y Gymdeithas Ddyngarol Frenhinol, am achub bywyd ei gydweithiwr y llynedd.
St John Ambulance Cymru yn anelu at greu miloedd yn fwy...
Mae heddiw'n nodi dechrau 'Defibruary', ymgyrch flynyddol St John Ambulance Cymru, sydd â'r nod o godi ymwybyddiaeth o ddiffibrilwyr mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru.
Yn dilyn...
St John Ambulance Cymru’s Defibruary campaign aims to create thousands more...
Today marks the start of St John Ambulance Cymru's annual Defibruary campaign, which aims to raise defibrillator awareness in communities across Wales.
Following a cardiac...
Young girl saved thanks to swift response of St John Ambulance...
A St John Ambulance Cymru Commercial Trainer used CPR to save a young girl's life after responding to a call for help that happened...
Merch ifanc yn cael ei hachub diolch i ymateb cyflym Hyfforddwr...
Defnyddiodd Hyfforddwr Masnachol St John Ambulance Cymru CPR i achub bywyd merch ifanc, ar ôl ymateb i alwad am help a ddigwyddodd i ddod...
People of Wales urged to Learn, Locate and Donate during Defibruary
St John Ambulance Cymru's annual Defibruary campaign is back with a bang, with an aim to train even more people in lifesaving first aid...
Annog pobl Cymru i Ddysgu, Lleoli a rhoi yn ystod ymgyrch...
Mae 'Defibruary,' ymgyrch flynyddol St John Ambulance Cymru, yn ôl gyda chlec, gyda'r nod o ddysgu sgiliau cymorth cyntaf achub bywyd i hyd yn...
Wales’ young lifesavers attend special St John Ambulance ceremony with The...
Eight young people from the first aid charity for Wales, St John Ambulance Cymru, attended a special reception with HRH The Princess Royal last...
Achubwyr bywyd ifanc Cymru yn mynychu seremoni arbennig St John Ambulance...
Mynychodd wyth o bobl ifanc o elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru, St John Ambulance Cymru, dderbyniad arbennig gyda'i Huchelder y Dywysoges Frenhinol fis diwethaf, i...
Sefydliadau yn Sir Benfro yn cael eu cydnabod am helpu St...
Mae dau sefydliad sydd wedi helpu St John Ambulance Cymru i leihau ei ôl troed carbon drwy ariannu paneli solar ar gyfer ei bencadlys...
Pembrokeshire organisations recognised for helping St John Ambulance Cymru create its...
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and the Port of Milford Haven were recently named joint winners of the St John Ambulance Cymru 2023 Supporter...
£15,000 Freemason donations help fund new lifesaving ambulance for Mid and...
Generous donations from the Masonic Province for West Wales and the Masonic Charitable Foundation have helped St John Ambulance Cymru purchase a new ambulance...
Help create more lifesavers like Cassie by donating to St John...
Learning first aid skills with St John Ambulance Cymru helped Cassie save her six-year-old son's life. Gifting a donation to the charity this Christmas...
St John Ambulance Cymru creates nearly 3000 new lifesavers on the...
Welsh first aid charity St John Ambulance Cymru have been delivering first aid demonstration and training sessions across Wales as part of their...
St John Ambulance Cymru keep Aberystwyth students safe for another year
St John Ambulance Cymru volunteers have been working hard to support Aberystwyth Freshers Week for another year. Volunteers ensured students were kept safe whilst...
Support communities in Wales by leaving a lifesaving legacy gift
This month, St John Ambulance Cymru are highlighting the difference a gift in your will can make to the charity. Your will is so...
Loughor volunteers celebrate 100 years of helping their community
St John Ambulance Cymru's Loughor Division are celebrating 100 years of supporting their community this month, with their divisional centenary event. Since 1923, the...
The first aid charity for Wales shares safety advice for those...
With young people across Wales starting a new adventure at university this month, St John Ambulance Cymru are sharing their top tips to...
Ten thousand organ donors recognised over a decade for saving more...
Ten thousand organ donors, who...
Heart attack survivor backs St John Ambulance Cymru’s Save a Life...
When Ian Cummins became critically unwell whilst participating in the Long Course Weekend challenge in Pembrokeshire this year, the quick reaction of those nearby...
Learn to save a life with St John Ambulance Cymru this...
St John Ambulance Cymru's Save a Life September campaign is back, and this year the charity is encouraging as many people as possible...
St John Ambulance Cymru lifts pressure off Wales’ mental health services
St John Ambulance Cymru are working with the Welsh Ambulance Commissioner to provide quicker transportation for mental health patients in Welsh communities.
St John Ambulance...
St John Ambulance Cymru yn codi pwysau oddi ar wasanaethau iechyd...
Mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn gweithio gyda Chomisiynydd Ambiwlans Cymru i ddarparu cludiant cyflymach i gleifion iechyd meddwl yng nghymunedau Cymru.
Mae cynllun Taith...
Mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn cefnogi’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol am flwyddyn...
Cynhaliwyd gŵyl eiconig yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol dros yr wythnos ddiwethaf ym Moduan, Gwynydd ac wrth gwrs roedd elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru, St John Ambulance...
St John Ambulance Cymru supports the National Eisteddfod for another year
The iconic National Eisteddfod festival took place this week in Boduan, Gwynydd and of course the first aid charity for Wales, St John Ambulance Cymru...
Yr arwyr cymunedol gwirfoddol sy’n cefnogi gwasanaethau GIG gwledig Cymru
Yn gynharach yr haf hwn, cyrhaeddodd Tom Frost a'i bartner Jax ardal anghysbell ychydig y tu allan i Raeadr Gwy, lle maen nhw'n mynd...
The volunteer community heroes supporting rural Welsh NHS services
Earlier this Summer, Tom Frost and his partner Jax arrived at a remote area just outside of Rhayader, where they go to relax. The couple...
Learn lifesaving skills for free at this year’s Royal Welsh Agricultural...
With the 2023 Royal Welsh Agricultural Show fast approaching, St John Ambulance Cymru are encouraging people to visit their stand at the show, to...
Dysgwch sgiliau achub bywyd am ddim yn Sioe Amaethyddol Frenhinol Cymru...
Gyda Sioe Amaethyddol Frenhinol Cymru 2023 yn digwydd yn fuan, mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn annog pobl i ymweld â'u stondin yn...