6.4 C
Monday, February 10, 2025


Local student accommodation reveals most popular spots to study to help with exams Renowned for being one of the locations in the UK to study, Cardiff is...

Study pinpoints SARS-CoV-2 Spike mutation that ‘escapes’ killer T-cells generated by...

Peer-reviewed / Experimental study / Cells Cardiff University scientists urge monitoring of ‘viral escape’ – and warn vaccines may need altering UK scientists have highlighted a...

Cardiff Met wishes athletes and support staff all the best for...

This week Cardiff Metropolitan University held a breakfast at the National Indoor Athletics Centre at the Cyncoed campus to say goodbye and good luck...

Cabinet outline exciting and ambitious ‘vision’ for Carmarthenshire

RESIDENTS and businesses in Carmarthenshire are being asked to help shape the council's Cabinet 'vision' for the next five years. Council Leader Cllr Darren Price...

Cost-of-living crisis and inflation puts squeeze on Cardiff Council budget

 Rising costs in energy, food and services mean that Cardiff Council is facing a £29m shortfall in its budget for 2023-24, a new report...

Cardiff Met graduates lead the way with employment results

Figures released today (June 16 2022) by the newly published Graduate Outcomes 2019/20: data and statistics show that 95.6% of Cardiff Met graduates are...

World leading Art and Design Research Transforms Lives of People with...

A team of researchers from Cardiff Metropolitan University’s School of Art and Design has transformed the quality of life for people with advanced dementia...

Ymchwil Celf a Dylunio sy’n ‘arwain y byd’ yn Trawsnewid Bywydau...

Mae tîm o ymchwilwyr o Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd wedi trawsnewid ansawdd bywyd pobl â dementia datblygedig gyda dyfais o'r enw...

Serious violence peaked after COVID-19 restrictions eased – report

New data shows 23% rise between 2020 and 2021 – the biggest jump since records began in 2001 Serious violence increased by nearly a quarter...

Datganiad yn y Cyfryngau gan Brifysgol Caerdydd ‌

Trais difrifol wedi cynyddu’n sylweddol ar ôl i gyfyngiadau COVID-19 gael eu llacio – adroddiad Data newydd yn dangos cynnydd o 23% rhwng 2020 a...

Scientists reveal make-up of SARS-CoV-2 outer envelope for first time

Cardiff University study suggests little-understood lipid envelope could be antiviral target in the mouth Scientists from Cardiff University have detailed the molecular make-up of the...

Gwyddonwyr yn datgelu cyfansoddiad amlen allanol SARS-CoV-2 am y tro cyntaf

Astudiaeth gan Brifysgol Caerdydd yn awgrymu y gallai amlen lipid y deallir fawr ddim amdani fod yn darged gwrthfeirysol yn y geg Mae gwyddonwyr o...

Want To Work For Amazon Or Google? The Welsh Universities Whose...

TonerGiant analysed the path from education to employment to find out which universities are more likely to set you up for a career at...

Biggest study of its kind implicates specific genes in schizophrenia

Scientists analysed DNA from more than 300,000 people with and without the psychiatric disorder The largest ever genetic study of schizophrenia has identified large numbers...

Mae’r astudiaeth fwyaf o’i math yn cysylltu genynnau penodol â sgitsoffrenia

Dadansoddodd gwyddonwyr DNA mwy na 300,000 o bobl sydd â’r anhwylder seiciatrig yn ogystal â phobl nad yw’r anhwylder ganddynt Mae'r astudiaeth enetig fwyaf erioed...

The Cardiff Metropolitan University Cardiff 10K 

Cardiff Met announced as headline sponsor as Cardiff 10K & 2K Fun Run Returns After Two Year Absence After a two-year absence due to the...

University of South Wales and Music Declares Emergency partner on new...

No Music On A Dead Planet artwork first non-English language commission Leading music and climate charity Music Declares Emergency has partnered with students from the...

Scientists use vaccination to successfully treat COVID-19 for first time

Jab used to treat instead of prevent disease in patient who had virus for 8.5 months Doctors have successfully used vaccination to treat a patient...

Gwyddonwyr yn defnyddio brechiad i drin COVID-19 yn llwyddiannus, am y...

Defnyddiwyd y brechiad i drin yr afiechyd, yn hytrach na’i ddefnyddio fel modd o atal y feirws, mewn claf oedd wedi bod â’r feirws...

Cardiff Metropolitan University Appoints New Chancellor 

Cardiff Metropolitan University has today appointed the Executive Director of the Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara), Stephen Wordsworth CMG LVO, as the University's new...

Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd yn Penodi Canghellor Newydd

eddiw, mae Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd wedi penodi Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol y Cyngor Academyddion mewn Perygl (Cara), Stephen Wordsworth CMG LVO, fel Canghellor newydd y Brifysgol. Mae...

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in otters across England and Wales –...

Study led by Cardiff University Otter Project suggests ‘widespread pollution’ of British freshwaters A group of synthetic substances known as “forever chemicals” because of their...

Cemegau gwenwynig am byth’ wedi’u canfod mewn dyfrgwn ledled Cymru a...

Mae’r astudiaeth, dan arweiniad Prosiect Dyfrgwn Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn awgrymu bod dyfroedd croyw Prydain yn cael eu ‘llygru’n helaeth’ Mae grŵp o sylweddau synthetig a...

Study reveals link between brain cell development and risk of schizophrenia

Cardiff University study is ‘major step forward’ in hunt for developmental origins of psychiatric disorders Scientists from Cardiff University have discovered new links between the...

Astudiaeth yn datgelu cysylltiad rhwng datblygiad celloedd yr ymennydd a’r risg...

Astudiaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd yn 'gam mawr ymlaen' wrth chwilio am darddiad datblygiad anhwylderau seiciatrig Mae gwyddonwyr o Brifysgol Caerdydd wedi darganfod cysylltiadau newydd rhwng nam...

Face masks ‘make wearers look more attractive’, study suggests

Cardiff University research finds wearers of medical masks rated most attractive Face masks. Two words that have prompted furious debate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion just...

Astudiaeth yn awgrymu bod gwisgo masgiau wyneb yn ‘gwneud i bobl...

Ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd yn canfod fod pobl yn credu bod gwisgo masgiau meddygol yn gwneud pobl yn fwy deniadol Masgiau wyneb. Dau air sydd wedi ysgogi...