Bwrdd Iechyd yn myfyrio ar 2023/24 mewn cyfarfod blynyddol
Rhannodd tair nyrs a addysgwyd yn rhyngwladol eu straeon personol am symud i orllewin Cymru fel rhan o gyfarfod cyffredinol blynyddol Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol...
Health Board reflects on 2023/24 at annual meeting
Three internationally educated nurses shared their personal stories about moving to west Wales as part of Hywel Dda University Health Board's annual general meeting...
Hywel Dda yn cefnogi wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Colli Babanod
Mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Colli Babanod yn ddigwyddiad blynyddol a gynhelir rhwng 9-15 Hydref i gydnabod a chofio babanod sydd wedi marw. Mae'n amser i'r...
Hywel Dda supports Baby Loss Awareness week
Baby Loss Awareness Week is an annual event that takes place between 9-15 October to recognise and remember babies who have died. It's a time for those...
Two minutes now could save lives
This Organ Donation Week, which runs from 23–29 September, will be the 30-year anniversary of the NHS Organ Donor Register.
NHS Blood and Transplant and...
Gallai dwy funud nawr achub bywydau
Bydd yr Wythnos Rhoi Organau hon, a gynhelir rhwng 23 a 29 Medi, yn dathlu 30 mlynedd ers sefydlu Cofrestr Rhoddwyr Organau'r GIG.
Mae Gwaed...
Board to discuss temporary overnight closure of Minor Injury Unit to...
At its meeting on 26 September, Hywel Dda University Health Board will discuss the need to change the opening hours of the Minor Injury...
Y Bwrdd i drafod cau Uned Mân Anafiadau dros nos dros...
Yn ei gyfarfod ar 26 Medi, bydd Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda yn trafod yr angen i newid oriau agor yr Uned Mân Anafiadau,...
Better bereavement care for people in Wales who have experienced pregnancy...
Sands, the UK's leading pregnancy and baby loss charity, is supporting the National Strategic Clinical Network for Maternity and Neonatal Services to create tailored...
Hywel Dda invests in making medical staff feel at home
Hywel Dda University Health Board has invested £600,000 to improve accommodation for trainee doctors at Withybush Hospital in Haverfordwest to create a warm and...
Hywel Dda yn buddsoddi mewn gwneud i staff meddygol deimlo’n gartrefo
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi buddsoddi £600,000 i wella llety ar gyfer meddygon dan hyfforddiant yn Ysbyty Llwynhelyg yn Hwlffordd er mwyn...
Appointing a new Chief Executive Officer
The health board is inviting outstanding leaders to apply for the substantive Chief Executive post.
The role has been held on an interim basis by...
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda am benodi Prif Swyddog Gweithredol...
Mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn gwahodd arweinwyr rhagorol i wneud cais am swydd barhaol y Prif Weithredwr.
Mae'r rôl wedi'i dal dros dro gan yr Athro...
Bydd cytundeb newydd gyda chwmni Rheilffordd Gwili yn lleddfu’r pwysau parcio...
Mae cynlluniau ar y gweill i leddfu problemau parcio yn Ysbyty Glangwili diolch i gytundeb newydd rhwng Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda a Chwmni...
New agreement with Gwili Railway company will ease parking pressure at...
It’s full steam ahead for plans to ease parking issues at Glangwili Hospital thanks to a new agreement between Hywel Dda University Health Board...
Nyrs Arbenigol Anaf Acíwt i’r Arennau (AKI) Glangwili yw’r gyntaf yng...
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi penodi nyrs arbenigol ar gyfer Anaf Acíwt i'r Arennau (AKI) – y rôl gyntaf o'i fath yng...
Glangwili Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Nurse Specialist is first in Wales
Hywel Dda University Health Board has appointed an Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) nurse specialist – the first role of its kind in Wales.
As a...
Share your views to shape your Primary and Community Care and...
Hywel Dda University Health Board is inviting people to attend events across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire this September (2024) to find out more about...
Rhannwch eich barn i lunio eich Gofal Sylfaenol a Chymunedol a...
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda yn gwahodd pobl i fynychu digwyddiadau ar draws Sir Gaerfyrddin, Ceredigion a Sir Benfro y mis Medi hwn...
Progress is made with the Health Board’s Clinical Services Plan
Hywel Dda University Health Board will take more time to work with representative patients, partner organisations and staff, as it continues to develop options...
Gwneud cynnydd ar Gynllun Gwasanaethau Clinigol y Bwrdd Iechyd
Bydd Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda yn cymryd mwy o amser i gydweithio â chleifion cynrychiadol, sefydliadau partner a staff, wrth iddo barhau i...
Rhestr aros ganolog ar gyfer mynediad i ofal deintyddol rheolaidd
Mae Gwasanaeth Deintyddol Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi cyflwyno rhestr aros ganolog ar gyfer y rhai sydd angen mynediad at ofal deintyddol GIG...
Central waiting list for access to routine dental care
Hywel Dda University Health Board's Dental Service has introduced a central waiting list for those requiring access to routine NHS dental care.
The central waiting...
‘Fy Iechyd, Fy Newis’ – cymorth gyda gofal iechyd yn eich...
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi creu adnoddau, gan gynnwys fideos o'r enw "Fy Iechyd, Fy Newis", i roi gwybodaeth hawdd i'w deall...
‘My Health My Choice’ – help with health care in your...
Hywel Dda University Health Board has created resources, including videos called "My Health, My Choice", to provide people with easy-to-understand information about accessing Primary...
Leading the way to reduce the carbon footprint of inhalers
Hywel Dda University Health Board (UHB) is leading the way in Wales and the UK in supporting people to switch to more environmentally friendly...
Hywel Dda yn arwain y ffordd o ran lleihau effaith amgylcheddol...
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda (BIP) yn arwain y ffordd yng Nghymru a'r DU o ran cefnogi pobl i newid i anadlwyr mwy...
Hywel Dda yn ennill yn Coleg Cymraeg Gwobrau Blynyddol
Mae Cerys Brown, prentis gofal iechyd yn Ysbyty Glangwili wedi ennill Gwobr Talent Newydd yng Ngwobrau Blynyddol y Coleg Cymraeg i gydnabod ei dawn...
Hywel Dda UHB win at Coleg Cymraeg Annual Awards
Cerys Brown, a healthcare apprentice at Glangwili Hospital has won the New Talent Award at the Coleg Cymraeg Annual Awards in recognition of her...
Hywel Dda success at Moondance Cancer Awards
An individual and a team from Hywel Dda University Health Board have been recognised for their outstanding achievements in cancer services at the Moondance...
Young people in Hywel Dda can celebrate with Walter the penguin.
A friendly penguin in the Hywel Dda area is helping reassure children receiving care from the nuclear medicine team.
The words ‘nuclear medicine’ and ‘scan’...
Pobl ifanc Hywel Dda yn dathlu gyda Walter y pengwin
Mae pengwin cyfeillgar yn ardal Hywel Dda yn helpu i dawelu meddyliau plant sy'n derbyn gofal gan y tîm meddygaeth niwclear.
Gall y geiriau ‘meddygaeth...
Rhaglen gelfyddydol i gefnogi iechyd meddwl plant a phobl ifanc yn...
Mae rhaglen Hwb Celfyddydol Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda, a gynlluniwyd i leihau teimladau o drallod a gwella iechyd meddwl drwy'r celfyddydau, yn dychwelyd ar gyfer...
Arts programme to support children and young people’s mental health returns
Hywel Dda University Health Board's (UHB) Arts Boost programme, designed to reduce feelings of distress and improve mental health through the arts, returns for the...
Ysgol Maes Y Gwendraeth Honoured with Investors in Carers Bronze Level...
Ysgol Maes Y Gwendraeth has been recognised for its exceptional commitment to and support for young carers attending the school. The institution has achieved...
Galwch heibio ar gyfer eich brechlyn atgyfnerthu COVID-19 y gwanwyn
Gall pobl sy'n gymwys ar gyfer brechlyn atgyfnerthu COVID-19 y gwanwyn nawr yn gallu mynychu canolfannau galw heibio a dros dro ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin,...
Drop-in for your COVID-19 spring booster vaccine
People eligible for the spring COVID-19 booster vaccine can now drop-in to centres and pop-ups across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire to get their vaccine.
Drop-in for your MMR vaccine
Measles is a serious illness for children that can be prevented by a highly effective and safe vaccine.
Following a declared measles outbreak in Gwent,...
Galwch heibio am eich brechlyn MMR
Mae'r frech goch yn salwch difrifol i blant y gellir ei atal gan frechlyn hynod effeithiol a diogel.
Yn dilyn achos datganedig o'r frech goch...
First in Wales Arts and Health Charter launched by Hywel Dda...
Hywel Dda University Health Board has officially launched its Arts and Health Charter, a promise to the public to integrate arts into the work of...
Lansio Siarter Celfyddydau ac Iechyd Cyntaf Cymru gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol...
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi lansio ei Siarter Celfyddydau ac Iechyd yn swyddogol, addewid i'r cyhoedd integreiddio'r celfyddydau i waith y bwrdd iechyd.
Y Siarter...
Staff and patients have their say on future of health care
Hywel Dda University Health Board staff, including clinicians, are working with patient representatives and stakeholders to consider potential support and change for services that...
Staff a chleifion yn dweud eu dweud ar ddyfodol gofal iechyd
Mae staff bwrdd iechyd Hywel Dda, gan gynnwys clinigwyr, yn cydweithio â chynrychiolwyr cleifion a rhanddeiliaid i ystyried cefnogaeth a newid posibl i wasanaethau...
Arloeswyr yn cael eu cydnabod ar restr fer gwobrau canser Cymru
Mae unigolion a thimau o Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi cael eu cydnabod ar restr fer Gwobrau Canser Moondance am eu cyflawniadau a'u...
Pioneers from Hywel Dda recognised in shortlist for cancer awards
Individuals and teams from Hywel Dda University Health Board have been recognised in the shortlist for the Moondance Cancer Awards for their achievements and...
Gallai bod yn Gyfarwydd â’ch Curiad achub eich bywyd!
Mae ffibriliad atrïaidd neu AF yn fath cyffredin iawn o guriad calon afreolaidd neu arhythmia a all effeithio ar oedolion o unrhyw oedran, ond...
Know your pulse to know your heart rhythm – it could...
Atrial fibrillation or AF is a very common type of irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia which can affect adults of any age, but it is...
Gwasanaethau Profion Gwaed yn Llanelli
O ddydd Llun 20 Mai 2024, bydd gwasanaethau Fflebotomi (profion gwaed) ar gyfer cleifion Hywel Dda sy'n byw yn ardal Llanelli yn cael eu...
Blood test services in Llanelli
From Monday 20 May 2024, Phlebotomy services (blood tests) for Hywel Dda patients living in the Llanelli area will be provided from the Mass...
Pob ward yr effeithir arnynt gan RAAC wedi eu hailagor
Mae pob un o'r chwe ward yn Ysbyty Llwynhelyg yn Hwlffordd a gafodd eu cau oherwydd presenoldeb planciau RAAC y llynedd nawr wedi eu...